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What is on the obverse of the 2009 Lincoln penny?

The obverse of the 2009 Lincoln penny features a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th American president. This portrait has been on the obverse since the penny was first minted in 1909 to mark 100 years since Lincoln’s birth.

Why is the 2009 Penny special?

The 2009 penny is special because to commemorate 200 years since the birth of President Lincoln, the US Mint released pennies with four different designs on the reverse. While the obverse still featured a portrait of the president, the reverse had different designs focusing on different periods of the president’s life.

Does a 2009 Penny have a mint mark?

The US minted the 2009 penny with no mint mark and also the 2009 D penny and 2009 S proof penny. The mint mark, when present, can be found on the obverse side of the coin below the date. In addition to the standard pennies and copper proof pennies, the mint sold special-edition copper pennies with a satin finish as part of a set.

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